Bovine Pregnancy Rapid Test Kit

Bovine Pregnancy Rapid Test Kit

The SaberVet rapid bovine early pregnancy test card(PAG) offers an accurate method for detecting PAGs in whole blood(EDTA), plasma (EDTA), or serum as early as 26 days post-breeding and throughout the entire pregnancy.

Sold by:

Hangzhou Antigenne Technology Co., Ltd

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♥High accuracy & sensitivity

♥Simple operation, easy to use, stable

♥Rapid: Get results in 5-10 minutes

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Product Details

Intended Use

The Bovine pregnancy Rapid test is a qualitative test. It detects the presence of pregnancy-associated glycoproteins (PAGs) in the peripheral blood of ruminants after pregnancy using a double-antibody sandwich system on a nitrocellulose membrane. During the test, the PAGs in the blood of cattle binds with a gold label and then binds with the antibody on the test line, showing a purple band. If the sample does not contain PAGs, no color reaction occurs.


Reagent and Materials Provided

Test devices

  • Buffer
  • Disposable droppers
  • Package insert

Materials Required but not Provided:Timer


Storage and Stability

The test device is sealed and should be stored away from light at a room temperature (4-30’℃). Do not freeze,

The test device should be used before the expiration date marked on the package label.

Warnings, Precautions and SafetyInformation

  1. The test device is used for bovine only 2. The results may be influenced by humidity and temperature.
  2. Make sure that the foil pouch containing the test is not damaged before open. Perform the test immediately when the pouch package is opened.
  3. Do not reuse the test components
  4. Do not use after the expiry date.
  5. Do not mix product components in different lot numbers.
  6. As all samples are potentially infectious. Operators should wear protective gloves while handling samples and wash hands thoroughly afterwards.8. Decontaminate and dispose of all samples, used kits and potentially contaminated materials safely in accordance with national and local regulations.


Specimen Collection, Handling, and Transport

1.Whole blood, serum or plasma should be used with this test.

Whole blood: Collect the whole blood. if whole blood samples are not immediately tested, they should be refrigerated at 2~8’℃ and used within 24 hoursSerum: Collect the whole blood into the collection tube(NOT containing anticoagulants such as heparin, EDTA and sodium citrate), and then centrifuge whole blood to get serum.

Plasma: Collect the whole blood into the collection tube (containing anticoagulants such as heparin, EDTA and sodium citrate) and then centrifuge whole blood to get plasma.

2.Samples should be stored at 2~8’C. Please freeze the samples at -20’C or below for longer storage and avoid repeated freezing and thawing.

3.Samples containing precipitate may yield inconsistent test results. They must be clarified prior to assaying.

4.Hemolyzed or contaminated samples may lead to erroneous results.



Traditionally, pregnancy in cattle has been diagnosed through rectal palpation or ultrasound. With advancements in biological sciences, it has been discovered that Pregnancy-Associated Glycoproteins (PAGs) are specific proteins that appear in the peripheral blood of ruminants after conception, secreted by binucleate cells of the embryo, and play a crucial role during pregnancy. Our rapid bovine early pregnancy test card offers an accurate method for detecting PAGs in whole blood(EDTA), plasma (EDTA), or serum as early as 26 days post-breeding and throughout the entire pregnancy. This diagnostic tool is invaluable for veterinarians, dairy farms, and beef production facilities, aiding in reducing breeding cycles, increasing breeding success rates, and controlling breeding costs.






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